
December 5, 2024

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Lou McLaughlin- President at 7 PM.

Present:  Solicitor Michael Smith, Keith St.Clair. Clark Baird- Mayor, Sue Bartow, Gladine McMaster , & Jeffery Miller, Lou McLaughlin

Absent:  none

Public Attendance:  Heidi Speidel, Mellissa Miller

Approval Nov minutes

After review correction was made to page 4 sentence "Sue said to find out what the distance is and kame uniform.  Kame needs to be corrected to read make.  Motion made by Jeffery to approve Nov minutes, 2nd by Sue , all in favor motion passed.

Approval of Treasurer Report

Sue questioned QuickBooks cost to renew.  Pat said cost is $2,099.00 this year for both QuickBooks and payroll program.    Sue also asked about the solvency fee.  Pat explained that fee is yearly for workers comp and unemployment to keep the cost down . 

Motion made by Jeffery  to approve treasurer report, 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion carried.

Solicitor Report

Michael prepared a Resolution # 7 of 2024 to increase the solicitor rate from $90 to$125 beginning in January 2025.

Lou motioned to approve Resolution, 2nd by Sue , all in favor motion passed.

The other thing is the filing of the 2023 delinquent per capita taxes.  Michael said he spoke to the Magistrate office and they suggested we go thru Berkheimer to collect the delinquent taxes as does Ligonier. 

Jeffery said Berkheimer collects our earn income and local service tax, however , the per capita and real estate taxes are collected thru the Tax Collector. 

Usually the Municipality does not go after the delinquent taxes but we do have an Ordinance in place that states the fee for overdue per capita and penalty for not paying.  

Pat said she checked today when the tax collector brought over the tax reports for November and no others paid than the three that was sent to Michael.  Pat did review the entire 2024 year and only had 3 people to come off the list of unpaid parties. 

Jeffery said you might want to take the tax collector with you to the Magistrates office as a witness to the people on the list. 

Michael said he then would get on to the filings. 

Public Comment

Heidi had nothing to say.  Mellissa is here for parks. 

Old Business:

Update on 2025 Tentative Budget for approval. 

Jeffery motion to approve the 2025 budget with the mileage rate of 20 mils.  Total budget is $104,134.24

Motion 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion passed.

No other old business

New Business 

Letter from Highridge concerning lead piping

Letter states " to minimize the threat of lead leaching into drinking water, Highridge with the approval of DEP, adds a corrosive inhibitor to its water that forms a protective coating on the inside of all pipes.  Now DEP wants water systems to create a public inventory of all lead service line.

To create this government required inventory, in the Spring of 2025, Highridge will conduct a physical review of the water service lines throughout Bolivar.  For more information on reducing lead exposure around your home/building and the health effects of lead visit EPA's website at http://www.epa.gov/lead  or contact your health care provider. 

If your service line is found to contain lead or galvanized piping requiring replacement, you will receive a separate notice and deadline for replacement. 

Service of the Zero Turn Mower

Lou said he would like to get the zero turn mower serviced over the winter so it will be ready for spring . 

Belts need checked, blades needs sharpened.   Keith suggested Pristow's. 

Lou said we will call for them to come get it. 

Lou motions to get zero turn serviced, 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion passed.

Any other business to discuss. 

Mayor Report

Clark had a question from several citizens concerning making 3rd street between Market and Washington as a two way street again.  Jeffery said we need to do a traffic study to change the street directions.  Also a question on 3th Street between Market & Washington ti do the same thing.

Jeffery said we would have to hire an engineer to do the study at a cost of approximately $2500 per location. 

Jeffery asked who was questioning.  Clark said Boone was asking about 3rd Street and Diane Wynn and Beth Thompson was asking about 6th Street location.

Sewage Report

Jeffery said he brought up a motion to extend the line of service  along Yeager Hollow.  The authority looses anywhere from 1/2 doz . to a doz.  homes each year.  People are not going to be happy but they must comply if we do the extension.  We will pick up around 53 customers along that route. 

I think this is the best thing to keep the authority going.  Going thru Robinson would be too expensive. 

Street Commissioner Report

Lou said he has been trying to do little things since his surgery.  We had trouble with the garage door again.  We cut a tree down at the park.  Today both workers were out salting the streets. 

Jeffery said he is hoping they come out thru the winter before the buses come around.  They start with the buses around 6 AM. 

Gladine asked about their hours.  Lou said Paul is laid off and Don is working as needed. 

Mellissa said about the candy canes on the poles.  Lou said they are still going to put them up. 

Jeffery said he didn’t think it would hurt to scale back some.  Putting candy canes on all the poles is quite extreme.

Parks & Rec

Mellissa said we have 1 event left in December.  This is Santa Claus event.  Location is at the Fire Dept.  They were gracious to donate the hall to us for this event. 

Mellissa also said parks reappointed Brittany Hughes and we would like council approval as well to put Brittany back on the parks board. 

Sue motions to reappoint Brittany Hughes, 2nd by Keith all in favor motion passed.

No other business motion to adjourn was made by Jeffery, 2nd by Keith at 7:30 PM.


Patricia Betts
